Gestalt Therapy
gray concrete bridge and waterfalls during daytime
gray concrete bridge and waterfalls during daytime

My work

The Gestalt approach prioritizes fostering a dynamic, creative, and growth-focused connection with the world for mental well-being, emphasizing creative adaptation to the changing environment.

It places significant emphasis on the "here and now," focusing in therapy on present experiences where recognition and learning are most effective.

Through present-centered, experiential learning, Gestalt therapy supports clients in adapting to their environment, respecting their freedom to shape the pace and direction of the process of change.

An essential aspect of Gestalt therapy is its experimental approach and emphasis on bodily awareness.

I believe that people are born with innate capacity to create fulfilling relations with other people, and with the environment around them and lead a meaningful life. There are life situations however, where they need assistance to see more clearly the situation they are in, to find out how they are a part of it, and by experimenting and exploring finding new ways to overcome them.

Organisation Development

In my work with organizations, navigating ever-changing economic, social, and environmental landscapes, I rely on systems thinking as a core approach to understand how different parts of an organization are interconnected.

Similar to natural systems, I assist clients in seeing how changes in one area can impact the entire organization and its business ecosystem. By observing and identifying organizational patterns, I assist clients in designing structures and processes that enhance adaptability and resilience, making the most of available resources while minimizing waste.

I support my clients in developing holistic and sustainable organizations that prioritize the well-being of the organization, its stakeholders, and the broader environment.

Conscious Ageing® coaching and training

Ageing happens irrespective of our consciousness. Conscious ageing entails focusing on cultivating and sustaining a good-quality, active, and meaningful life until its conclusion.

Often, during mid-life transitions, individuals confront the limitations of their physical existence. For some, this is challenging; for others, it presents an opportunity to reassess their priorities. Regardless of one's feelings, the realization of our finite time and our responsibility for how we spend it is always daunting. Additionally, the current (toxic) narrative surrounding ageing makes it even more difficult to approach our own ageing process with a creative yet realistic and holistic perspective.

By integrating the pragmatic Conscious Ageing® methodology with Gestalt therapeutic tools, I assist clients in navigating various aspects of life. Together, we explore personal and cultural biases, beliefs, fears, and anxieties associated with ageing, while also uncovering the resources and potentials within each aspect of life. Ultimately, the aim is to overcome obstacles, tap into resources, and establish the groundwork for a genuine, fulfilling, and joyful life.

For the clients who prefer exploring these topics with group support, I regularly organize the UnfOlding Conscious Ageing training program.

a close-up of a coral reef
a close-up of a coral reef

Sessions and rates

Individual therapy sessions:

Duration: 60 minutes

Rate: 85€ (Free of VAT)

Conscious Ageing 6 sessions package:

Duration: 6x60 minutes

Rate: 480 € (Free of VAT)

I firmly believe in inclusive mental health support. If affordability is the only obstacle preventing you from reaching out, please be aware that I occasionally offer personalized rates. If this applies to you, feel free to contact me via email.

Reimbursement by Health Insurers in the Netherlands:

Many health insurers in the Netherlands provide full or partial reimbursement for Gestalt therapy through supplementary insurance. This reimbursement is categorized under alternative or complementary medicine (alternatieve - complementaire geneeswijzen). For additional information on reimbursements provided by health insurers, you can also visit the Zorgwijzer website.

Please consult your health insurer for further details.